Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Digital Storytelling (Panel 5/19)

Panel Topic: How do new forms of storytelling engage publics in new ways?

Key Points:
·       Digital Storytelling- contributors are making their own content and editing it, too (Meadows, 2003).
o   Practice of combining narrative with digital content, including images, sound and video to create a short movie.
o   Information in each medium is complementary, not redundant (Stevens, 2014).
o   Nonlinear- there is no strict narrative, rather the creator chooses how the reader navigates through the elements of a story.
o   Typically includes strong emotional content.
o   For groups and individuals.
·       Goes against passive acceptance of the audience and encourages engagement.
·       Can be seen as a way to “take the power back”, media is no longer being “done to us” and stories are not made at our expense (Meadows, 2003).
·       More advantages in education than most other fields (used to increase student engagement).
·       Changes to the field of journalism:
o   Traditional news outlets are learning to incorporate digital storytelling by creating multimedia websites (CNN, NPR, Washington Post, etc.)
o   Digitization effects news values, professional ethics, workflows, work conditions and newsroom management (Chan, 2014).
o   Provides opportunities for citizen journalists and independent media.
o   Enabled minority groups to have a voice in the public arena (Chan, 2014).
o   Provides more interaction between readers and professional journalists.
o   Requiring more skills from journalists (making it a requirement to be able to work efficiently with all the technology in order to break into/stay in the field).
o   Forces brands to tell stories across multiple platforms while maintaining a consistent and creative message (Smith, 2013)


·       StoryCenter provides a space for people to tell their stories and offers them support and education in creating digital stories.

·       Show the increasing use of digital storytelling across different media outlets.

·       How do you think outlets like StoryCenter impact the traditional media/journalism field? Is there room for both new and old formats?
·       How might digital storytelling effect the way the public consumes their news/information? Do you think the public is getting more or less information from this new format?

Chang, Ying. “Journalism and digital times: Wider reach and sloppy reporting.” General Investigative Journalism Network. September 2014.

Meadows, Daniel. “Digital storytelling: Research-based practice in new media.” Visual Communication. 2003.

Smith, Derek. “Revealed! The 7 best examples of digital storytelling.” Huffington Post. May 2013.

Stevens, Jane. “Tutorial: Multimedia storytelling: Learn the secrets from experts.” UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism: Advanced Media Institute. 2014.

 “7 things you should know about digital storytelling.” Educause Learning Initiative. January 2007.

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