From the start, journalists have been receiving their
information from multiple sources, but who are these sources and are there
different names for them? In the era of surveillance, it is important for the public
to understand the differences between whistleblowers and leakers and how might
they be impacted by the Espionage
In Chelsea
Manning’s case, the Department of Justice was given the task of deciding
whether or not whether or not the Wikileaks staffers aided a leaker or a
whistleblower, a distinction
that must be made in order to convict them under the Espionage act. The aiding
of a leaker is considered a violation of the law, while helping a whistleblower
is seen as a cornerstone in investigative journalism. A whistleblower
is someone who informs on an organization that is involved in illicit activity
in hopes of stopping it. The definition of a leaker is more complicated than
that of a whistleblower, it holds a derogatory stigma
whereas whistleblowers are seen as noble. The most important distinction
between these words are their different impacts on the lives of journalists.
One of the biggest issues in the government’s case against
Manning and WikiLeaks, is whether or not Manning is a whistleblower or a
leaker. In 2013, Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison, with hope of
parole in the eighth. She was sentenced under the Espionage Act, meaning the
Department of Justice found her to be a leaker. Vice staffer, Joseph Bien-Kahn
interviewed attorney Jon Eisenberg, who spoke about the thin line between
whistleblower and leaker.
“God, where's the line? I don't know. But I
think when it's clear that somebody is walking that thin line with good
intent—not to hurt the country, but to help it—I think the benefit of the doubt
should be given to the journalist, to the blogger, to whoever”, stated
In years to come, it will be increasingly
important for journalists to be aware of who their sources are and which side
of the line they may fall. The journalist behind revealing the secrets the
Manning held, was Julian
Assange, retreated to the Ecuadorian embassy in London after the leaks to
avoid any sentencing under the Espionage Act in the United States and other
charges he faced in Sweden. Assange’s contact with Manning is a warning to
journalists everywhere, to carefully communicate with sources and be mindful of
the information that is being offered.
Great parsing of the difference between these terms and why it matters to journalists and their sources!