Since the Snowden leaks were published, there has been a rise in encryption app software among Android and IOS developers. In November of last year, Open Whisper brought an encryption app Signal to Android, which allowed for messages and conversations between IOS users and Android users to be fully encrypted. In addition to the advancements, Snowden has endorsed the app by tweeting "I use signal every day. #notesforFBI (Spolier: They already know)." Something that sets Snowden apart from other leak incidents is that he has been successful in creating a social media network where he provides insight and advice about data monitoring to the public.
Snowden aimed to make his cause about the american people from the beginning and his strategy of transparency helped his image in the battle between technology and government. He helped create a movement that changed the way we perceive our government and has given us more privacy constraint options. The way the story was released allowed for the public to make objective decisions and see both the government and technology side. Furthermore, Snowdens' ability to spark a debate around this topic has put fear into the government and has led to the use of mobile encryption software.
I agree with you that thanks to Snowden's deliberate and planned actions during his leak it left more of a lasting impact for the people. His deliberate actions allowed for the public to really see another side to the story. It put a spotlight on the government and their intentions and I think people really saw another perspective thanks to Snowden.
ReplyDeleteInteresting information, Will. I agree that Snowden's deliberate actions turned out to be more influential. It would be interesting to investigate how Snowden's leak has affected journalism in comparison to the way the WikiLeaks changed journalism.
ReplyDeleteInteresting information, Will. I agree that Snowden's deliberate actions turned out to be more influential. It would be interesting to investigate how Snowden's leak has affected journalism in comparison to the way the WikiLeaks changed journalism.