Networked Journalism
Panel Topic: How are connective media platforms affecting
the news and our news habit?
Key Points:
Connective social media platforms have:
Improved the validity of news
Have altered the timing of news
Changed what
news is/can be
- The emergence of blogging brought rise to real time fact checkers and critics of daily news
- Journalism threatened by blogging because of its’ ability to be subjective
- News is no longer controlled by publishers so cannot be framed as easily.
Timing of news
- The when of news has changed from a once/twice a day interaction to a 24 hour interaction (updates, alerts, personalization of feeds)
- Rise of tools that allow networked publics to control they’re own news
What is news – shared
social experience
- People care about what their friends think is important, which can create social filtering; having friends recommend news
- Platforms like twitter foster conversation providing public discussion and feedback à ability to create emotional connection
- “If someone in my friends network gets into a car gets into a car accident that is news to me.” (Barenblat)
- Sharing habit: Networked public contributes to what is news by sharing via social media to their local online community
Do you think the way we receive news now is better or worse than before social media platforms? Why?
Images -
Paris Attacks*1332/1447700222_Czech+16Republic+France+Paris+Attacks.jpg
Illustrates how news is recieved now, timing has changed
Paris Attacks*1332/1447700222_Czech+16Republic+France+Paris+Attacks.jpg
Illustrates how news is recieved now, timing has changed
Chapter 3: Networked by: Adrienne Russell
Chapter 3: Networked by: Adrienne Russell
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