Week 1 The Rise of Networked Journalism
3.22 Introduction
Reading| Networked Chapter 1: Introduction
Mike Ananny’s Open Letter to the NYT
Week 2 Shifting News Traditions and Frames
3.29 The case against objectivity: Trump and Snowden
Greenwald vs Keller in Is Glenn Greenwald theFuture of News?
Panel Topic: What are the benefits and drawbacks of objectivity versus engagement in journalism?
3.31 Journalism as Activism
Tim Pool's Reddit AMA
Juliana Rotich on Ushahidi
Ta-Nehisi Coates on a new race beat
Maybe a visit from Lynn’s South students
Panel Topic: How are activists taking up the role of journalists?
Week 3 Networked Publics
4.5 Networked publics
Reading| Networked Chapter 2
Jay Rosen’s People Formerly know as the Audience
Panel Topic: How have audiences/consumers transformed in the networked era?
4.7 EXAM I
If you are able to attend the morning section of the class with guests Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila Al-Shami, please come at 10am having read the following:
Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila Al-Shami Authors of the new book Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War.
Also Please read the review of their book linked to above. Also please educate yourself on the situation in Syria. This Vice Documentary on Syria is good but extremely graphic and disturbing. This BBC overview is another option.
If you are able to attend the morning section of the class with guests Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila Al-Shami, please come at 10am having read the following:
Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila Al-Shami Authors of the new book Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War.
Also Please read the review of their book linked to above. Also please educate yourself on the situation in Syria. This Vice Documentary on Syria is good but extremely graphic and disturbing. This BBC overview is another option.
Week 4 Changing News Habits + guest Lourdes Garcia-Navarro
4.12 Transformative technologies and practices + Paper or Story Prospectus Due
Networked Chapter 3
Stijn Debrouwere's Fungible
Pew research on The Evolving Role of News in Twitter and Facebook
Bell's Facebook is Eating the World
Panel Topic: How are connective media platforms influencing the news and our news habits?
4.14 Estlow Event and Lourdes Garcia-Navarro
Networked Chapter 5
Week 5 Leaks
4.19 Film: CitizenFour
4.21 finish Citizenfour
Reading| Jay Rosen’s Three things I learned from the Snowden Files
Alan Rusbridger’s The Snowden Leaks and the Public
Panel Topic: What implications do the Snowden revelations have for journalism?
Week 6 Public Life and the Future of News
4.26 Leaks Wrap up
Networked Chapter 4
Panel Topic: What role does parody and satire play in influencing and shaping news and public opinion?
Week 7 Data Journalism
5.3 Data and Journalism
Tow Center For Digital Journalism and Tow/Knight Report The Art and Science of Data-driven Journalism
Eva Constantaras on Internews
To check out:
The most famous and celebrated data-vis story ever: Snow Fall
Some other examples of recent award winning data journalism
5.5 The Yes Men Fix the World
Take Home Exam II
Week 8
5.10 No Class
5.12 No Class
Week 9 New Forms of Storytelling
5.17 Data and the Election
Jonathan Stray on media influence and elections
Nate Silver's What the Fox Knows
Climate Progress on Silver’s Climate Coverage Deeply Misleading
5.19 Gaming other emergent forms of news
Tow's Play The News (for this one yon’t have to read the whole thing, just read the chapter descriptions.)
Panel Topic: What are some examples of gaming used in news narratives? What potential does this and other emergent genres have for the future of news and public engagement?
Panel Topic: How do new forms of story telling engage publics in new ways?
Panel Topic: How do new forms of story telling engage publics in new ways?
Week 10 Wrap Up: What do we want and need from the future of journalism?
5.24 Wrap up
5.26 Project presentations
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