Thursday, April 28, 2016

Viewing Satires & Parodies With a New Lens

“We need to broaden the definition of what news is.” 
Jon Stewar

  • A parody is a work that imitates the style of another work. Social commentary is not generally involved.  
  • Satire tries arouse public disapproval of a subject by means of ridicule or exaggeration 
  • Satire and parody have very few boundaries 
  • The right to free expression 
  • Common goal: stay alert in what is happening in the world  

Factors to consider while viewing a satire or parody: 
  • Satirists use some of that same evidence but apply the strategies of irony, hyperbole, parody, inversion, juxtaposition, and caricature, making the corrupt a target of ridicule.
  • there is a need to to have the capacity to understand irony 
  • Power of the veil 
  • They create a new way for people to connect with politics
  • They allow viewers to engage in a way that is not difficult or serious  and are accessible and appealing
  • Fans of political satire consistently exhibit exceptionally healthy democratic characteristics compared to non-viewers 
  • People act when they feel- satires and parodies allow people to make connections both with their head and hearts
  • They both allow viewers to play with substance in meaningful ways 

Viewing a satire or a parody creates a sense of empowerment for citizens through the form of entertainment. They create a path that encourages ways for viewers to identify and cultivate their now meaningful connections to happenings around the world. 

Mock Talk  


  • Can adhering to people's passions in a playful tone be more effective in some ways when viewing subjects such a politics and news events?

  • Does receiving information in the form of a satire of parody make a viewer less likely to be vulnerable to strategic emotional manipulation by campaigns and interest groups? 


Carter, Tom. "{A Satirical TED Talk, Inspired by Dostoevsky and given by a 10-year-old}." TED Blog A Satirical TED Talk Inspired by Dostoevsky and given by a 10yearold Comments. N.p., 26 Feb. 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. <>.

Clark, Roy Peter. "Satire's Conflicting Kinship with Journalism." Poynter. N.p., 08 Jan. 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. <>. 

Young, Dannagal G. "Lighten up." Columbia Journalism Review. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. <>.

How fear is changing journalism

As a result of the files leaked by Snowden digital mass surveillance is having an effect on journalism. Fundamental freedoms, under government policies on preventing leaks and secrecy, are being threatened. This undermines traditional values and is creating an effect on how the media is allowed to cover such high-profile cases. For example when the Guardian obtained files leaked by Snowden they were forced, under threat of action by the UK government, to destroy hard drives containing the files. Another example is when Glenn Greenwald’s former partner at the Guardian, David Miranda, was held at a London airport for nine hours under the UK Terrorism Act. This was solely based on Greenwald’s association with the Snowden case. These are prime examples that have caused a distinct fear for journalists.

This fear comes from the uncertainty of being able to protect their digital communications with sources as well. A red flag according to, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Erich Schmitt, is when sources protect their digital communication can actually attract more attention to their communications. If this fear is instilled into sources then it is less likely that information will reach the public. The same fear can be instilled into journalists who fear breaking the law by accessing information through sources that practice civil disobedience.

Journalism as a result of the Snowden leaks has created a greater emphasis for free press. In order to maintain a free society the press must remain free as well. With this in mind stories need to matter and be more than just one story written with facts. Those facts need to be questioned and researched further and followed up on. Journalists have to have a willingness to make their stories matter and be heard.


Class April 28

End Times

Jon Stewart on Crossfire.

There are so many historic and international examples of satirical news. In Iran Kambiz Hosseini and Saman Arbabi are the most (in)famous.

Other examples from other cultures?

1.What’s do the terms satire and parody mean?

2.What does satire and parody have to do with journalism?

3.Why was Jon Stewart's appearance on Crossfire so popular and what did it signify?

4.What is ironic citizenship? And what do you think of it as a concept to help explain engagement today? 

5.What is the appeal of satire and irony?

6.What’s the spectacle?

Other related examples: