“We need to broaden the definition of what news is.”
- A parody is a work that imitates the style of another work. Social commentary is not generally involved.
- Satire tries arouse public disapproval of a subject by means of ridicule or exaggeration
- Satire and parody have very few boundaries
- The right to free expression
- Common goal: stay alert in what is happening in the world
Factors to consider while viewing a satire or parody:
- Satirists use some of that same evidence but apply the strategies of irony, hyperbole, parody, inversion, juxtaposition, and caricature, making the corrupt a target of ridicule.
- there is a need to to have the capacity to understand irony
- Power of the veil
- They create a new way for people to connect with politics
- They allow viewers to engage in a way that is not difficult or serious and are accessible and appealing
- Fans of political satire consistently exhibit exceptionally healthy democratic characteristics compared to non-viewers
- People act when they feel- satires and parodies allow people to make connections both with their head and hearts
- They both allow viewers to play with substance in meaningful ways
Viewing a satire or a parody creates a sense of empowerment for citizens through the form of entertainment. They create a path that encourages ways for viewers to identify and cultivate their now meaningful connections to happenings around the world.
Mock Talk
Mock Talk
- Can adhering to people's passions in a playful tone be more effective in some ways when viewing subjects such a politics and news events?
- Does receiving information in the form of a satire of parody make a viewer less likely to be vulnerable to strategic emotional manipulation by campaigns and interest groups?
Carter, Tom. "{A Satirical TED Talk,
Inspired by Dostoevsky and given by a 10-year-old}." TED Blog A
Satirical TED Talk Inspired by Dostoevsky and given by a 10yearold Comments.
N.p., 26 Feb. 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.
Clark, Roy Peter. "Satire's Conflicting Kinship with
Journalism." Poynter. N.p., 08 Jan. 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.
Young, Dannagal G. "Lighten
up." Columbia Journalism Review. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.