Thursday, April 28, 2016

Viewing Satires & Parodies With a New Lens

“We need to broaden the definition of what news is.” 
Jon Stewar

  • A parody is a work that imitates the style of another work. Social commentary is not generally involved.  
  • Satire tries arouse public disapproval of a subject by means of ridicule or exaggeration 
  • Satire and parody have very few boundaries 
  • The right to free expression 
  • Common goal: stay alert in what is happening in the world  

Factors to consider while viewing a satire or parody: 
  • Satirists use some of that same evidence but apply the strategies of irony, hyperbole, parody, inversion, juxtaposition, and caricature, making the corrupt a target of ridicule.
  • there is a need to to have the capacity to understand irony 
  • Power of the veil 
  • They create a new way for people to connect with politics
  • They allow viewers to engage in a way that is not difficult or serious  and are accessible and appealing
  • Fans of political satire consistently exhibit exceptionally healthy democratic characteristics compared to non-viewers 
  • People act when they feel- satires and parodies allow people to make connections both with their head and hearts
  • They both allow viewers to play with substance in meaningful ways 

Viewing a satire or a parody creates a sense of empowerment for citizens through the form of entertainment. They create a path that encourages ways for viewers to identify and cultivate their now meaningful connections to happenings around the world. 

Mock Talk  


  • Can adhering to people's passions in a playful tone be more effective in some ways when viewing subjects such a politics and news events?

  • Does receiving information in the form of a satire of parody make a viewer less likely to be vulnerable to strategic emotional manipulation by campaigns and interest groups? 


Carter, Tom. "{A Satirical TED Talk, Inspired by Dostoevsky and given by a 10-year-old}." TED Blog A Satirical TED Talk Inspired by Dostoevsky and given by a 10yearold Comments. N.p., 26 Feb. 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. <>.

Clark, Roy Peter. "Satire's Conflicting Kinship with Journalism." Poynter. N.p., 08 Jan. 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. <>. 

Young, Dannagal G. "Lighten up." Columbia Journalism Review. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. <>.

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